Oilfield Engineering Services

Container Refurbishment
Exolcare S.L fabricates and refurbish containers to offices, workshops, stores, H2S Safety, Accommodation and for special application. All the units are custom-built to our customer’s specifications. Exolcare designs each unit around the customer’s specific requirements and will always engage in full consultation with our customer’s during design stage. Our units are ideal for remote locations, self-sufficient and have a short commissioning time. The containers are typically supplied in 20ft and 40ft length

Pipe Racks & Baskets (Offshore and Onshore
➤ Designed and built to EN12079 and DNV CN2.7-1
➤ Certified by globally recognized third Party organizations
➤ All models tested at 2.5:1 (4-point lift) And 1.5:1 (2-point lift)
➤ Designed to be handled by Crane as well as Forklift
➤ Proof-load tested and certified 4-legged wire rope slings as standard
➤ Surface preparation with Sandblasting to SA 2.5 and epoxy painting
➤ Complete set of MDR documentation with every unit delivered
➤ Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) on 100% primary weld joints

HDI , H2s Instruments Repair & Calibration
➤ Exolcare S.L Offers professional repair and calibration from factory authorized technicians at our facility. Our teams will inspect, calibrate, and advise what repairs are needed at the time. We offer quick turnaround times and professional support. Our technicians are also able to visit the rig annually to do calibration and any repairs necessary for the rig. This minimizes downtime and ensures the client the systems are calibrated and repaired to the OEM, Manufacturer standard.

Electronic and hydraulic lap
➤ Designed and built electronic laps
➤ Designed and built hydraulic laps
➤ Provide and supply laps with instruments, tools, benches, and internal Crain